Aerobic Training

Aerobic training strengthens the heart and lungs and improves muscle function. One goal of aerobic training is to enhance sports performance and to improve training response. The following is information …

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Does the Runner’s High Exist?

Sure, running does wonders for the body and mind. But many runners claim a sense of elation that could be considered an actual high. Does this mysterious sensation exist? Run, Baby, Run! Why …

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Avoid Creeping Weight Gain

Not everyone wants to lose weight. Some are happy to maintain their current size. That takes effort, too. Follow these hacks to keep your weight healthy … Hold It Right …

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Get Your Group On!

Want to enhance your workout? Gather in a group … We all know workout buddies make fitness more fun, even on days those crunches seem unbearable. Evidently, there is power in …

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How to Get Fit

What can I do to get more fit? Any type of regular, physical activity can improve your fitness and your health. The most important thing is that you keep moving! …

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Finding Time to Be Active

See if this scenario sounds familiar—your child has come home from school with 2 hours of homework, including studying for a math test the following day. He also needs to …

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